This forest is characterized by a high degree of diversity and endemism. The vegetation here is dominated by Weinmannia spp. (Cunoniaceae), Gymnosporia sp. (Celastraceae), Uapaca sp. (Uapacaceae), Ravensara sp. (Lauraceae) and Diospyros sp. (Ebenaceae). Along the valleys, palms (Dypsis sp. - Arecaceae) and pandans (Pandanus sp. - Pandanaceae) are abundant. Epiphytes, including Bulbophyllum spp., Angreacum spp. (Orchidaceae) and Polypodium spp. (Polypodiaceae), are common. Erica sp. (Ericaceae) and Nastus sp. (Gramineae) are dominant along the forest border. . Some palms are critically endangered, such as several species belonging to the Manambe Palm group.